Events > Call for Applicants

22 Jan. - 06 Feb. 2018

Open Call for applications : Art Metropole Board of Directors

Deadline - February 6, 2018
First meeting - March 13, 2018

Art Metropole is currently seeking candidates who are passionate about its mandate and history, and excited to offer leadership, insight and fundraising support as members of the Board of Directors. Board positions are for 3-year terms.

Art Metropole is an internationally renowned artist-run centre that promotes the appreciation and importance of conceptually based art. Founded by General Idea in 1974, Art Metropole specializes in the contextualization and distribution of artist’s books, multiples, and related materials with an emphasis on innovative formats and emergent technologies.

Art Metropole is currently seeking to fill 2 Director positions, as well as a Board Treasurer.


AM’s Board Treasurer oversees and assists with financial organization and procedures. This role is ideal for someone with bookkeeping/accounting skills and an eye for detail. Responsibilities include:

  • + Monthly to quarterly meetings/check-ins with Administrative Director

  • + Quarterly Treasurer’s Reports to the Board of Directors

  • + Assisting in development of annual and operating-cycle projected and actual budgets

  • + Assisting in AM’s annual audit, usually prepared during the month of October, to be presented at November’s Board Meeting
  • AM Board of Directors – Role + Responsibilities

    The Board of Directors provides strategic leadership and ensures effective governance of the organization by developing and overseeing the vision, mission, strategic direction, and values of Art Metropole; ensuring the development of, and adherence to, policies that guide staff in organizational operations; fundraising and exercising fiduciary responsibility to ensure financial viability and sustainability.

    The Members of the Board will:

  • + Be knowledgeable about the values, mission, programs and performance of the organization

  • + Be accountable to stakeholders (artists, members, volunteers, funders)

  • + Employ the Art Metropole staff and evaluate their performance.

  • + Monitor and evaluate organizational performance

  • + Organize, oversee and participate in fund development activities: work with staff to identify and recruit new funders, be aware of and acknowledge the organization’s key donors, participate in donor recognition and stewardship activities

  • + Treat any information acquired in the role as a Board Member in a confidential and professional manner.
    Act as ambassadors, promoting the values and work of the organization
  • Roles and Responsibility of Board Members:

  • + Members are required to attend all board meetings. Board Meetings are currently held every 2 months on the second Tuesday between 7-9pm. Board Members must read the material provided before each meeting (minutes, agenda), and pass on any items to be added to the agenda to the Secretary in a timely manner. Board members who miss three consecutive board meetings shall be deemed to have resigned from office

  • + Board members are asked to sit on at least one committee. Time commitment to said committees may fluctuate between approximately 5-15 hours/month. Committees currently include Finance, Fundraising, Facilities, HR and Executive, with subcommittee creation where needed

  • + All members are required to actively participate in fundraising

  • + Members are expected to attend or participate in at least four events a year

  • + All members are required to prepare for and attend the Annual General Meeting
  • If you’re interested in joining our board, please send a letter of intent outlining your experience and interest in Art Metropole, along with a 1-2 page CV to, ATTN: Erika DeFreitas, Board Secretary


    Information on Contemporary Art Catalogue no.11, front. 1984. Designed by Lawrence Weiner, edited by A.A. Bronson.

    1. AMP8501, front