Events > Book Launch

31 Mar. 2012

Double book launch for Garry Neill Kennedy and Peter Trepanier

Garry Neill Kennedy
Peter Trepanier
1 pm - 4 pm

Please join us on Saturday, March 31st, to meet Garry Neill Kennedy and Peter Trepanier who will be in attendance to present two new publications; Garry Neill Kennedy: Printed Matter, 1971- 2009, published by The National Gallery of Canada and The Last Art College: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1968-1978 published by MIT Press.

A special display of selected self-published works by Kennedy will also be on display and available for sale.

Garry Neill Kennedy: Printed Matter 1971-2009, compiled by Peter Trepanier, was produced in consultation with Garry Neill Kennedy and includes printed matter designed by, or in collaboration with, the artist. Each entry, arranged chronologically, includes a photograph of the item and notes on dimensions, production and materials. The bibliography consists of a list of critical works on Kennedy, as well as articles relating to his role as president of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. In English and French.

200 pp 200 ill 26.7 cm x 17.8 cm softcover

The Last Art College: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1968-1978, examines how a small art college in Nova Scotia become the epicenter of art education—and to a large extent of the postmimimalist and conceptual art world itself—in the 1960s and 1970s. The activities and artists at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (aka NSCAD) in the 1970s redefined the means and methods of art education and the shape of art far beyond Halifax.

A partial list of visiting artists and faculty members at NSCAD would include Joseph Beuys, Sol LeWitt, Gerhard Richter, Dan Graham, Mel Bochner, Lucy Lippard, John Baldessari, Hans Haacke, Yvonne Rainer, Robert Frank, Jenny Holzer, Robert Morris, Eric Fischl, and Dara Birnbaum. Kasper Koenig and Benjamin Buchloh ran the NSCAD Press, publishing books by Hollis Frampton, Lawrence Weiner, Donald Judd, Daniel Buren, Michael Asher, Martha Rosler, and Michael Snow, among others. The Lithography Workshop produced early works by many of today’s masters, including John Baldessari, Vito Acconci, and Claes Oldenburg. With The Last Art College, Garry Kennedy, the college’s visionary president at the time, gives us the long-awaited documentary history of NSCAD during a formative era.

480 pp 29.85 cm x 22.85 cm hardcover

Garry Neill Kennedy is a senior Canadian artist. In addition to an active career as an artist, Kennedy taught studio art at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD University) for over forty years where he also served as president for 23 years (1967 – 1990). He was visiting professor at California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts) and Ēcole des Beaux Arts, Paris (ENSB-A). His most recent solo museum exhibitions were held at The National Gallery of Canada, The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, The Owens Art Gallery and Portikus (#86, Frankfurt am Main). In 2003 he was a recipient of the Order of Canada and in 2004, the Governor General’s Award in the Visual and Media Arts. In 2011 he received an Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from NSCAD University.

Kennedy recently had solo shows in Toronto at Diaz Contemporary, 2012 and in Vancouver, BC at Or Gallery in 2013 and The Apartment in 2014. He has also recently completed two books — one for MIT Press, The Last Art College: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1968 -1978 and a second, a catalogue raisonne of his printed matter published by the Library and Archives of the National Gallery of Canada, both in 2012. Kennedy team teaches part-time with his wife, Cathy Busby at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC where they make their home.

  1. The Last Art College: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 196