Art Metropole is thrilled to announce the launch of Evidence of the Avant Garde Ex-Library by Derek Sullivan, co-published with Struts Gallery, Owens Art Gallery, and Umbrella Projects.
In this new artist book, Sullivan revisits Art Metropole’s 1984 catalogue Evidence of the Avant Garde Since 1957, a seminal book and exhibition on distributed art practices (artworks that require wide circulation to fulfill their intent). Referencing a copy purchased from a library book sale, Sullivan produces hand-drawn facsimiles of the original pages with added interruptions of other distributed objects and artefacts such as prisms of light, pollen, metro tickets, and pamphlets. In reproducing these moments, the drawings examine the poetics of circulating artworks and the content that they pick up along the way.
Saturday July 24th – Online Book Launch, 3PM EDT:
Online book launch featuring Derek Sullivan in conversation with Roula Partheniou and Dave Dyment. Register by clicking here!
Sunday July 25th – Pop Up and Book Signing, 2-4PM EDT:
Outdoor book sale and signing with Derek Sullivan outside our offices at 163 Sterling Road.
The book can be purchased via our online shop or in person on Sunday!
This event will be the first of a series of weekend book sales happening throughout the summer. We hope to see you there!
The recorded event can be viewed here:
Evidence of the Avant Garde (ex-library)
Derek Sullivan in conversation with Roula Partheniou and Dave Dyment. .mp4 from Art Metropole on Vimeo.