Synopsis: Texte Zur Kunst stands for controversial discussions and contributions by internationally leading writers on contemporary art and culture. Alongside ground-breaking essays the quarterly magazine, founded in Cologne in 1990 by Stefan Germer (†) and Isabelle Graw and published in Berlin since 2000, offers interviews, roundtable discussions and extensive reviews on art, film, music, market and fashion as well as on art history, theory and cultural politics. Since 2006 the comprehensive main section section, each time devoted to a different topic, and selected reviews are published in both German and English.
This issue’s topic is globalism and features an e-mail correspondence between Kerstin Stakemeier, Maurizio Lazzarato, and Sarah Rifky on current forms of subjectivization, politicalities, and cultural praxis, as well as an essay on aesthetic difference by Michaela Ott. Other contributors include Anke Bangma, Sylvester Okwunodu, Christian Kravagna, and Felix Fiedler.