Shop > Text-Based

  1. Property Journal
  2. niya-nikāwiy-nōhkom-nicāpān-nitāniskotāpān
  3. Anne Callahan: Notes from the History of Ed-
  4. Dieter Roelstraete and Zin Taylor: Zin Taylor: Lavender Glass
  5. Lee Lozano: Notebooks 1967-70
  6. Shari Kasman: Rocks Don’t Move and Other Questionable Facts
  7. Adrien Crossman: QUEER Mugs
  8. Hanne Lippard: This Embodiment
  9. Barbara Kapusta: The 8 and the Fist
  10. Leslie Dick: Voluptuous Panic, Digital Whirlpool
  11. Steve Kado: Brian
  12. Jacob Korczynski and Andrew James Paterson: Andrew James Paterson: Collection/Correction
  13. Convolution No. 4
  14. Florian Cramer and Janneke Wesseling: Making Matters: A Vocabulary for Collective Arts
  15. Yoko Ono: Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings
  16. Lan “Florence“ Yee: Tangerine, After Grapefruit
  17. Sue Nixon and Riet Wijnen: Homophone Dictionary
  18. Barbara  Kruger: Barbara Kruger: Thinking of You. I Mean Me. I Mean You
  19. Mitchell Syrop: Niza Guy / Bifurcated
  20. Matthew Clifford Green: Idea Car
  21. Rin Kim: Blood, Marrow, Oolong, Ivory
  22. Andrea Cisneros: Fruit/Vegetable Etymologies
  23. Moyra Davey: Les Goddesses/ Hemlock Forest
  24. Lauren Chipeur, April Martin, Lara Schoorl, and Zoë Wonfor: the end of may
  25. Jon Mikel Euba: Writing Out Loud
  26. Carolee Schneemann: Imaging Her Erotics
  27. Anna Bak: Wilderness Survival
  28. Anna M. Szarflarski: Letters to the Editors