Shop > Criticism

  2. Aura Rosenberg: Berlin to Houston
  3. Stephanie LaCava: Class Dirt Clown School
  4. Barbara Ess: Fragments
  5. Haley Mellin: On Biodiversity and Beta Diversity
  6. Joel Ong: PUBLIC 70: The Weather
  7. Laurel Hauge: No More Than 10%
  8. e-fux Index #4
  9. The White Pube: Poor Artists: A Quest into the Art World
  10. e-flux Index #3
  11. e-flux Index #2
  12. Yaniya Lee: Selected Writing on Black Canadian Art
  13. Lawrence Weiner and Rachel Whiteread: Parkett No. 42
  14. Juan Muñoz and Susan Rothenberg: Parkett No. 43
  15. Joseph Kosuth: Within the Context: Modernism and Critical Practice
  16. Philip Peters: Kunst & Museum Journal Vol. 6
  17. C Magazine Issue 156
  18. The Vermin: Issue 01
  19. Barricade: A Journal of Antifascism and Translation: Volumes 3 and 4
  20. Barricade: A Journal of Antifascism and Translation: Volume 1, Issue 1
  21. Beatrice von Bismarck: The Curatorial Condition
  22. Peripheral Review 2022
  23. Helen Chadwick and Marina Warner: Helen Chadwick: The Oval Court
  24. Waging Culture: Interroger la population active des artistes visuels canadiens
  25. Stefan Gronert and Sigmar Polke: Sigmar Polke: Girlfriends
  26. Peter Fischli, Jeremy Millar, and David Weiss: Fischli and Weiss: The Way Things Go
  27. Pierre Huyghe and Mark Lewis: Pierre Huyghe: Untitled (Human Mask)
  28. Michael Archer and Jeff Koons: Jeff Koons: One Ball Total Equilibrium Tank
  29. Marc Camille Chaimowicz and Tom Holert: Marc Camille Chaimowicz: Celebration? Realife
  30. Walker Evans and Oliver Richon: Walker Evans: Kitchen Corner
  31. Sharon Lockhart and Howard Singerman: Sharon Lockhart: Pine Flat
  32. Sarah Lucas and Amna Malik: Sarah Lucas: Au Naturel
  33. Kodwo Eshun and Dan Graham: Dan Graham: Rock My Religion
  34. Bas Jan Ader and Jan Verwoert: Bas Jan Ader: In Search of the Miraculous
  35. Border Crossings Issue No. 159: Human/Nature
  36. Peripheral Review 2020-2021
  37. Samuel Roy-Bois: Not a new world, just an old trick
  38. Stan Douglas: Abbott & Cordova, 7 August 1971
  39. Cathy Park Hong: Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning
  40. Brad Haylock and Megan Patty: Art Writing in Crisis
  41. Catherine Telford Keogh, Olivier Prada, and Anna Solal: L’enfant chiffre
  42. Ruth Buchanan: Where does my body belong?
  43. Jeff Khonsary and Antonia Pinter: Folio E: Institutions by Artists, Volume Two
  44. Folio F: Services Working Group
  45. Border Crossings Issue No. 157: Photography / August 2021
  46. Maria Lind and Cecilia Widenheim: Migration
  49. C Magazine Issue 146
  50. Maria Lind, Michele Masucci, and Joanna Warsza: Red Love
  51. Amanda Boetzkes: Plastic Capitalism
  52. grupa o.k. (J. Myers and J. Szupinska): Supplement 4: Stagelessness
  53. Joseph Beuys, Ronald Bladen, Daniel Buren, Carl Andre, Gene Davis, Jan Dibbets, Al Held, Jeff Khonsary, Craig Leonard, Mario Merz, Robert Morris, Robert Murray, N.E. Thing Co., Richard Serra, Seth Siegelaub, Richard Smith, Robert Smithson, Michael Snow, and Lawrence Weiner: The Halifax Conference
  54. Lorna Brown, Linnea Dick, Beau Dick, Guujaaw, Gyauustees, Tarah Hogue, Chief Robert Joseph, Wanda Nanibush, Shelly Rosenblum, Charlotte Townsend-Gault, and Scott Watson: Lalakenis/All Directions
  55. Dirty Looks Volume 4
  56. Nathalie Zonnenberg: Conceptual Art in a Curatorial Perspective
  57. Martha Rosler: Culture Class
  58. Amy Kazymerchryk and Martine Syms: Borrowed Lady: Martine Syms
  59. Antonia Hirsch: Negative Space: Orbiting Inner and Outer Experience
  60. Afterimage Vol. 45, No. 6
  61. Afterimage Vol. 45, No. 5
  62. Anastasia Kolas: Nacre Journal Issue 1: We Regret To Inform You
  63. Sculpting Cinema
  64. Aruna D’Souza: Whitewalling: Art, Race & Protest in 3 Acts
  65. Afterimage Vol. 45, Nos. 2 &3
  66. Sky Goodden: Momus: A Return to Art Criticism
  67. Afterimage Vol. 45, No. 1
  69. Afterimage  Vol. 44, No. 5
  70. Afterimage Vol. 44, No. 4
  71. Suzanne Hudson and Agnes Martin: Agnes Martin: Night Sea
  72. Art Against Art, Issue #3
  73. Afterimage Vol. 44, No. 3
  74. To Spoil the Party, To Set Our Joy Ablaze
  76. C Magazine 131
  77. X-TRA Vol. 18 No. 4
  78. Afterimage Vol. 44, No. 1 & 2
  79. Parkett # 95
  80. Afterimage Vol. 43, No. 6
  81. Jon Raymond: The Community
  82. Afterimage Vol 43, No. 5
  83. Jordi Mitjà: Anatomia Diògenes
  84. Stephen Wetzel: [PAUSE]
  85. Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen: Playmates and Playboys at a Higher Level:  J. V. Martin and the Situationist International
  86. Nicole Brenez: “We Support Everything since the Dawn of Time That Has Struggled and Still Struggles”:  Introduction to Lettrist Cinema
  87. ArtForum October 2015
  88. October Magazine Issue 153
  89. October Magazine Issue 151
  90. Afterimage Vol. 42 No. 5
  91. Jeff Dersken: Jeff Derksen: After Euphoria
  92. Afterimage Vol. 42, no. 4
  93. Parkett #94
  94. MAY Issue 13
  95. October Magazine Issue 149
  96. Anna Dezeuze and Thomas Hirschhorn: Thomas Hirschhorn: Deleuze Monument
  97. Carousel Magazine 33
  98. Millions Magazine 05: Spaceship Earth
  99. Voluspå
  100. Henri Chopin: Of Democracy / De la Démocratie
  101. May Magazine No. 12
  102. Sonja Ivekovic and Ruth Noack: Sanja Ivekovic: Triangle
  103. Craig Burnett and Philip Guston: Philip Guston: The Studio
  104. Dara Birnbaum and T.J. Demos: Dara Birnbaum: Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman
  105. John Orentlicher and Lisa Steele: Activating the Archive 3: Finding the DIFFEREN(t)CE
  106. C Magazine Issue 159: Mirror Mirror
  107. Georgiana Uhlyarik  and Wanda Nanibush: Moving the Museum
  108. C Magazine Issue 158
  109. Cole Pauls: Indigeneity in Comics Zine #1
  110. C Magazine Issue 157
  111. C Magazine No. 83 Pro-Canadianism
  112. Track Changes: A Handbook for Art Criticism
  113. Provocations on Media Architecture
  114. C Magazine Issue 154
  115. C Magazine Issue 153
  116. Border Crossings Issue No. 160: Here’s Looking at You
  117. C Magazine Issue 152
  118. Taqralik Partridge: Curved Against the Hull of a Peterhead
  119. Simon(e) Van Saarloos: Take Em Down: Scattered Monuments and Queer Forgetting
  120. Waging Culture: Interrogating the Canadian visual artist labour force
  121. Michael Newman and Richard Prince: Richard Prince: Untitled (couple)
  122. Hollis Frampton and Rachel Moore: Hollis Frampton: (nostalgia)
  123. Mary Heilmann and Terry R. Myers: Mary Heilmann: Save the Last Dance for Me
  124. Patricia Lee and Sturtevant: Sturtevant: Warhol Marilyn
  125. Boris Groys and Ilya Kabakov: Ilya Kabakov: The Man Who Flew into Space from his Apartment
  126. Rodney Graham and  Shepherd Steiner: Rodney Graham: Phonokinetoscope
  127. Sabeth Buchmann, Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, Neville D’Almeida, and Hélio Oiticica: Hélio Oiticica and Neville D’Almeida: Block-Experiments in Cosmococa—Program in Progress
  128. Elizabeth Legge and Michael Snow: Michael Snow: Wavelength
  129. Beverly Buchanan and Amelia Groom: Beverly Buchanan: Marsh Ruins
  130. Peter Gidal and Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol: Blow Job
  131. Alighiero e Boetti and Luca Cerizza: Alighiero e Boetti: Mappa
  132. Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency, Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti, and Eyal Weizman: Architecture After Revolution
  133. C Magazine Issue 151
  134. Border Crossings Issue No. 158: The Body / January 2022
  135. C Magazine Issue 150
  136. Specialism
  137. Distributed
  138. C Magazine Issue 149
  139. C Magazine Issue 148
  141. C Magazine Issue 147
  143. C Magazine Issue 145
  144. Mark Cheetham: Landscape Into Eco Art
  145. Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyễn: The Making of an Archive
  146. Walter Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
  147. John Berger : Why Look at Animals?
  148. Reed H. Reed: Art Criticism & Other Short Stories
  149. Lisa Robertson’s Magenta Soul Whip
  150. Deanna Bowen: Other Places
  151. Sander Bax, Pascal Gielen, and Bram Ieven: Interrupting the City
  152. Mark Cullen and Gavin Murphy: Artist-Run Europe
  153. Terra Poirier : Non-Regular: Precarious academic labour at Emily Carr University of Art + Design
  154. Alexander Alberro, Monica Amor, Carlos Basualdo, Biljana Ciric, Ekaterina Degot, Elena Filipovic, Claire Grace, Anthony Huberman, Dean Inkster, Alhena Katsof, William Krieger, Elisabeth Lebovici, Ana Longoni, James Meyer, Isabelle Moffat, Nina Möntmann, and Natalie Musteata: The Artist as Curator: An Anthology
  155. Michael Asher and  Rebecca Siegel: Public Knowledge
  156. Alexandra Midal: Design by Accident
  157. Hans Ulrich Obrist: Sharp Tongues, Loose, Lips, Open Eyes, Ears to the Ground
  158. Unlearning Exercises, Art Organizations As Sites For Unlearning
  159. Comradeship: Curating, Art, and Politics in Post-Socialist Europe
  160. Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, and Hans Ulrich Obrist: Age of Earthquakes
  161. Be Oakley , Christopher Clary, Emily Dunne, and Patricia Silva: Queering the Collection
  162. Rouzbeh Akhbari, Xenia Benivolski , Tanya Busse, Candice Hopkins, Reza Negarestani, Ala Roushan, Zineb Sadira, The Forest Curriculum, and Anna Zett: ShapeShift
  163. Kirsty Robertson: Tear Gas Epiphanies
  164. Oscar Wilde: The Critic as Artist
  165. Pizza is God
  166. The Art Happens Here: Net Art Anthology
  167. Dirty Looks Volume 3
  168. Andrea Fraser: 2016 in Museums, Money, and Politics
  169. Weight of the Earth
  170. GenderFail: An Anthology On Failure
  171. Be Oakley : This is not another photo essay
  172. THE FUNAMBULIST 22/// MARCH-APRIL 2019: Publishing the Struggle
  173. Espace 121
  174. Judy Radul: This Is Television
  175. Francisco Laranjo : Modes of Criticism 3 Design and Democracy
  176. Scapegoat Issue 11
  177. The Future of the New: Artistic Innovation in Times of Social Acceleration
  178. Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Guy Cools, and Akram Khan: In-between Dance Cultures: On the Migratory Artistic Identity of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Akram Khan
  180. Terremoto Issue 11: Curators on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
  181. Léopold Lambert: THE FUNAMBULIST 16/// March-April 2018: PROLETARIAN FORTRESSES
  182. Léopold Lambert: THE FUNAMBULIST 14/// November-December 2017: TOXIC ATMOSPHERES
  183. C Magazine 137
  184. Border Crossings Issue No. 145
  185. RM Vaughan: Compared to Hitler
  186. Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts and Sylvia Wynter: No Humans Involved - Sylvia Wynter
  187. Espace 118
  188. Maria Fusco and Jeff Khonsary: Give Up Art
  189. THE FUNAMBULIST 15/// January-February 2018: CLOTHING POLITICS #2
  190. Lauren Lavery: Peripheral Review 2016
  191. Walter Benjamin and Carl Skoggard: The “Berlin Chronicle“ Notices
  192. Erin Christovale and Amir George: Black Radical Imagination
  193. Espace 117
  194. C Magazine 135
  195. THE FUNAMBULIST 13/// September-October 2017: QUEERS, FEMINISTS & INTERIORS
  197. Scapegoat Issue 10
  198. C Magazine 134
  199. Nocturnal Fabulations
  200. W. E. B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, Arthur Jafa, Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts, and Sylvia Wynter: “On the Blackness of Blacknuss“ Pamphlet set
  201. Eva-Lynn Jagoe, Sean O’Brien, and Imre Szeman: PUBLIC 55
  202. Border Crossings Issue No. 141
  203. Amanda Boetzkes: The Ethics of Earth Art
  204. Caitlin DeSilvey: Curated Decay
  205. Jodi A. Byrd: The Transit of Empire
  206. Walking and Mapping
  207. Hans Haacke: Working Conditions
  208. The Alpine Review Issue 3
  209. THE FUNAMBULIST 08/// Nov-Dec 2016: POLICE
  210. Espace 114
  211. X-TRA Vol. 19 No. 1
  214. October 156
  215. THE FUNAMBULIST 05/// May-Jun 2016: DESIGN & RACISM
  217. Steffanie Ling: BARTLEBY REVIEW: 21-40
  218. Prism of Reality #4
  219. Espace  111
  220. Pascal Gielen: Spaces for Criticism
  221. Rudi Laermans: Moving Together
  222. Daniel Young and Christian Giroux: Infrastructure Canada
  223. Anna M. Szarflarski: Letters to the Editors
  224. X-TRA Volume 18, No. 3
  225. Chantal Pontbriand: Parachute: The Anthology, Vol. IV
  226. C Magazine #129
  227. Rereading Appropriation
  228. Cabinet 58: Theft
  229. October Magazine Issue 155
  230. Art Against Art
  231. X-TRA Volume 18, No. 2
  232. Terry Smith: Talking Contemporary Curating
  233. Speculations
  234. The Benefit of Friends Collected
  235. X-TRA Volume 18 Number 1
  236. Slavs and Tatars: Mirrors for Princes
  237. E. M. Forster: The Machine Stops
  238. Saul Anton and Lee Friedlander: Lee Friedlander: The Little Screens
  239. Bartleby Review
  240. Ai Weiwei: On The Table
  241. To Our Friends
  242. Exhibition
  243. Raphael Rubinstein: The Miraculous
  244. X-Tra Volume 17 Number 3
  245. Why Painting Now?
  246. Bauhaus No. 6 Schlemmer!
  247. Olaf Nicolai and Jan Wenzel: Four Times Through the Labyrinth
  248. Jacob Korczynski: I See/La Camera: I
  249. Paul Chan: Selected Works
  250. Seth Price: 2000 Words
  251. Suburbylonia
  252. Amy Brandt: Interplay
  253. David Balzer: Curationism
  254. Ricarda Messner: Flaneur Issue 3: Rue Bernard
  255. Maria Lind: Selected Writing
  256. What is Contemporary Art?
  257. Kim Gordon and Branden W. Joseph: Is It My Body?
  258. Martin Herbert: The Uncertainty Principle
  259. Brian Dillon: Objects in This Mirror
  260. Boris Groys: On The New
  261. Matteo Ghidoni: San Rocco #9: Monks and Monkeys
  262. Quinn Latimer and Akram Zaatari: Film as a Form of Writing
  263. C Magazine #122, Winter Summer 2014
  264. The Exhibitionist No. 9
  265. Chantal Pontbriand: The Contemporary, The Common: Art in a Globalizing World
  266. Michael Asher and Anne Rorimer: Michael Asher: Kunsthalle Bern, 1992
  267. Dan Adler and Hanne Darboven: Hanne Darboven: Cultural History 1880-1983 (softcover)