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Comradeship: Curating, Art, and Politics in Post-Socialist Europe

Independent Curators International
14 × 20.5 × 2.5 cm
335 pp
Art History, Criticism, Politics

This is the third book in the PERSPECTIVES IN CURATING series, which offers timely reflections by curators, artists, critics, and art historians on emergent debates in curatorial practice around the world.

Comradeship is a collection of essays by Zdenka Badovinac. Badovinac has been an influential voice in international conversations rethinking the geopolitics of art after the fall of communism, a ferocious critic of unequal negotiations between East and West, and a historian of the avant-garde art that emerged in socialist and post-socialist countries in the last century. She has been, moreover, an advocate for radical institutional forms: museums responsive to the complexities of the past and commensurate to the demands of the present.

Gathering writings from disparate and hard-to-find sources alongside new texts, this book offers an essential portrait of a major thinker, and a crucial handbook of alternative approaches to curating and institution-building in the 21st century.

Edited by J. Myers-Szupinska
Foreword by Kate Fowle

Soft cover, perfect-bound, b/w.

  1. comrade cover
  2. comrade interior

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