Shop > Collaboration

  1. Micah Lexier: One, and Two, and More Than Two
  2. Philip Monk, Lisa Steele, Kim Tomczak, and Dot Tuer: 4 Hours and 38 Minutes
  3. Peter Fischli and David Weiss: Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
  4. Ashley Culver: One Hundred Aloe Plants
  5. Nora Halpern and Zuni Halpern: Nora Halpern & Zuni Halpern: Pillow Mountain
  6. Ashley Bedet and Fionn Duffy: A Three-Body Problem
  7. Michael Dumontier and Micah Lexier: Call Ampersand Response
  8. Bernhard Cella: Does Text Inspire Me?
  9. Evelyne Leblanc-Roberge: Wall+Paper
  10. ReBaie by Rebée: FEET BY THE FOOT
  11. Florian Cramer and Janneke Wesseling: Making Matters: A Vocabulary for Collective Arts
  12. Micah Lexier: A List of Names in Which Nobody Signed Their Own Name but Signed the Name of Another
  13. Learning to Love You More
  14. Peter Fischli and David Weiss: In a Restless World
  15. IONE, Pauline Oliveros, Public Recordings, and Christopher Willes: Resonance Gathering
  16. Ellen Mara De Wachter: Co-Art: Artists on Creative Collaboration
  17. Suchi Branfman: Undanced Dances Through Prison Walls During a Pandemic
  18. EMILIA-AMALIA Chapbook 5: Syllabus/Workbook
  19. EMILIA-AMALIA Chapbook 1: Affidamento/Entrustment
  20. Maia Asshaq and Benjamin Gaydos: Flint Magazine Issues 1+ 2
  21. Andrew Zealley: This Is Not Art Therapy, This Is Group Work