Shop > Theory

  1. e-fux Index #4
  2. Fred Moten: Black and Blur
  3. e-flux Index #3
  4. Marshall McLuhan: COUNTERBLAST
  5. Randy Lee Cutler: Invisible Forces
  6. Elizabeth A. Povinelli: Routes/Worlds
  7. Boris Groys: Logic of the Collection
  8. Susan Schuppli: Material Witness: Media, Forensics, Evidence
  9. Be Oakley : Manifesto, Profit-For-Survival
  10. grupa o.k. (J. Myers and J. Szupinska): Supplement 4: Stagelessness
  11. Hotel Theory Reader
  12. LIES Volume II
  13. Donal McGraith: Leaving No Mark: Prolegomena to an Evanescent Art
  14. Andrew Zealley: MFAIDS
  15. Andrew Zealley: Black Light District
  16. Sidsel Meineche Hansen and Tom Vandeputte: Politics of Study
  17. Pascal Gielen: No Culture, No Europe
  18. Andrew Zealley: Disco Hospital
  19. October Magazine Issue 153
  20. No Internet, No Art
  21. October Magazine Issue 151
  22. Mark von Schlegell: Ickles, Etc.
  23. October Magazine Issue 149
  24. Voluspå
  25. October 148
  26. Nichola Feldman-Kiss: nichola feldman-kiss: mean body
  27. Jean Gagnon: Pornography in the Urban World
  28. Denise Ferreira da Silva: Towards a Global Idea of Race
  29. Christina Sharpe: In the Wake: On Blackness and Being
  30. Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra & Simulation
  31. Ramon Amaro, James Bridle, Kodwo Eshun, Jennifer Gabrys, Tom Holert, Murad Khan, Doreen Mende, Matteo Pasquinelli, Laura Lo Presti, Patricia Reed, Mariana Silva, Nikolay Smirnov, Oraib Toukan, and Brian Kuan Wood: Navigation Beyond Vision
  32. HOLO 3
  33. Dhanveer Singh Brar: Teklife, Ghettoville, Eski
  34. Stefanie Hessler: Sex Ecologies
  35. Suzana Milevska: On Productive Shame, Reconciliation, and Agency
  36. Lauren Fournier: Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism
  37. Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency, Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti, and Eyal Weizman: Architecture After Revolution
  38. Radicalizing Care
  39. Schizo-Culture, 2-vol. set
  40. Dylan Robinson: Hungry Listening: Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies
  41. Keavy Martin and Dylan Robinson: Arts of Engagement
  42. Reinhold Görling, Barbara Gronau, and Ludger Schwarte: Aesthetics of Standstill
  43. Pascal Gielen and Niels Van Tomme: Aesthetic Justice
  44. Walter Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
  45. John Berger : Why Look at Animals?
  46. Douglas Coupland: Extraordinary Canadians: Marshall Mcluhan
  47. Hans Ulrich Obrist: Sharp Tongues, Loose, Lips, Open Eyes, Ears to the Ground
  48. Katharina Schendl: Notes on Contemporary Art in Kosovo
  49. Markus Miessen and Zoe Ritts: Para-Platforms
  50. Anne Kockelkorn and Nina Zschocke: Productive Universal Specific Situations
  51. Milena Mercer : Altered States
  52. Honoré de Balzac: Treatise on Modern Stimulants
  53. Micah Silver: Figures in Air
  54. Rowan Lynch: Tie It Off & Count Again
  55. Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, and Hans Ulrich Obrist: Age of Earthquakes
  56. BaJia House 2
  57. Manuel Arturo Abreu and Rafaela Dražić: Incalculable Loss
  58. Aeron Bergman, Rafaela Dražić, and Alejandra Salinas: Telepathy
  59. Judgement and Contemporary Art Criticism
  60. Andrea Fraser: 2016 in Museums, Money, and Politics
  61. More Than Real: Art in the Digital Age
  62. Nataša Bodrožic and Irena Boric: Politics of Feelings/Economies of Love
  63. Walter Benjamin and Carl Skoggard: The “Berlin Chronicle“ Notices
  64. Doris Sommer: For a Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Lexicon of Cultural Agents
  65. Felicity Tayler: The Grey Guide to Artist-Run Publishing & Circulation
  66. Nocturnal Fabulations
  67. W. E. B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, Arthur Jafa, Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts, and Sylvia Wynter: “On the Blackness of Blacknuss“ Pamphlet set
  68. Juhani Pallasmaa and Sarah Robinson: Mind in Architecture
  69. Avery F. Gordon: Ghostly Matters
  70. Samiha Meem: The Anti-White Space
  71. A Theory of the Manifesto or a Manifesto for Manifestos
  72. Bruno Latour: An Attempt at a “Compositionist Manifesto“
  73. #ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics
  74. Radio Alice
  75. The Suspended Step of Communization
  76. Fred Moten: In The Break
  77. Erin Manning and Brian Massumi: Thought In The Act
  78. José Esteban Muñoz: Disidentifications
  79. Anna-Sophie Springer and Etienne Turpin: Fantasies of the Library
  80. The Rhythmic Event
  81. Participation
  82. Felicity D. Scott: Outlaw Territories
  83. Laura U. Marks: Enfoldment and Infinity
  84. Jennifer A. González: Subject to Display
  85. Ethics
  86. Signs of Life
  87. Animals
  88. T.J. Demos: Decolonizing Nature
  89. Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige: The Rumors of the World
  90. Raoul Vaneigem: The Book of Pleasures: Chapters II & III
  91. Juan Caloca: Untitled Manifesto
  92. Abraham Cruzvillegas: Autoconstrucción
  93. Raoul Vaneigem: The Book of Pleasures: Chapter I
  94. LIES Volume I
  95. Model Minority
  96. October 156
  97. Pascal Gielen: Spaces for Criticism
  98. Rudi Laermans: Moving Together
  99. Anna M. Szarflarski: Letters to the Editors
  100. General Idea: Showcards
  101. Manuel Saiz: 101 Excusas
  102. October Magazine Issue 155
  103. Theory Boner 2
  104. Terry Smith: Talking Contemporary Curating
  105. Franco “Bifo“ Berardi: And: Phenomenology of the End
  106. Turning Inward
  107. David Maroto and Joanna Zielinska: Artist Novels
  108. Jens Hoffmann: Theater of Exhibitions
  109. João Ribas : In The Holocene
  110. Pierre Hermé: The Architecture of Taste
  111. John Cage: Diary
  112. E. M. Forster: The Machine Stops
  113. Aesthetic Basic Chronicle, Vol. 1
  114. October Magazine Issue 152
  115. To Our Friends
  116. Benjamin Buchloh: Formalism and Historicity
  117. Vito Acconci, lynda benglis, Louise Bourgeois, Gerard Byrne, George Chakravarthi, Judy Chicago, vaginal davis, Wim Delvoye, Elmgreen & Dragset, VALIE EXPORT, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, harmony hammond, claudette johnson, Mary Kelly, Yayoi Kusama, and Robert: Sexuality
  118. Alexsander Klose: The Container Principle
  119. Systems
  120. Textures of the Anthropocene
  121. Collapse VIII
  122. How to Act?
  123. Silke Otto-Knapp: Questions of Travel
  124. Keller Easterling: Subtraction
  125. Cultures of the Curatorial 2: Timing: On the Temporal Dimension of Exhibiting
  126. The Phantom of Liberty
  127. Céline Condorelli: The Company She Keeps
  128. Ian Whittlesea: Becoming Invisible
  129. The City As A Project
  130. Peter Wolfendale: Object-Oriented Philosophy
  131. Gilles Châtelet: To Live and Think Like Pigs
  132. The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
  133. World 3
  134. Steve Reich: Writings about Music
  135. F. R. David, Spring 2014, “All Distinctions Are Mind, By Mind, Of Mind“
  136. F.R. David 9 Spring 2012 “This Is Not New Of Course“
  137. F. R. David Summer 2010, “With Love“
  138. Alison Britton: Seeing Things (Collected Writing On Art, Craft And Design)
  139. Walter Benjamin: Recent Writings
  140. Peter Sloterdijk: Bubbles
  141. Beatriz Colomina: Critical Spatial Practice 3: Manifesto Architecture
  142. Boris Groys: On The New
  143. The Exhibitionist No. 9
  144. Pascal Gielen: The Murmuring of the Artistic Multitude: Global Art, Memory and Post-Fordism
  145. Chantal Pontbriand: The Contemporary, The Common: Art in a Globalizing World