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Nocturnal Fabulations: Ecology, Vitality and Opacity in the Cinema of Apichatpong Weerasethakul

Open Humanities Press
Artists' Books
15 × 22.7 × 1.6 cm
268 pp
Criticism, Film/Video, Theory

Nocturnal Fabulations is an essay in intercessing. This is not a book that is simply ‘about’ Apichatpong Weerasethakul, though it does engage his work in detail. It is a book that deeply questions what else might be at stake in setting up the conditions for collaboration across two genres: cinema and writing.

This collective project is animated by a shared curiosity in the pragmatics of fabulation and its speculative gesture of bringing forth a people to come. In an encounter with Apichatpong’s cinematic dreamscape, the concepts of ecology, vitality and opacity emerge to articulate an ethos of fabulation that deframes experience, recomposes subjectivity and unfixes time.

Essays by Érik Bordeleau, Toni Pape, Ronald Rose-Antoinette and Adam Szymanski

Introduction by Erin Manning

Érik Bordeleau is a philosopher and researcher at the Senselab (Concordia University).

Toni Pape is assistant professor of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

Ronald Rose-Antoinette is a writer currently living in Montreal.

Adam Szymanski is a PhD student in the Film and Moving Image Studies program at Concordia University.

Erin Manning is research chair in Philosophy and Relational Art in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Concordia University.

Bilingual edition in French and English

Softcover, perfect-bound, b&w


  1. Nocturnal Fabulations

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