REARVIEWS is a publication project co-organized by Xenia Benivolski and Danielle St-Amour.
REARVIEWS reviews exhibitions reviews, inviting repeated and critical address of the review format from a variety of contributors.
“This is Where it Ends: The Denouement of Post-Internet Art in Jon Rafman’s Deep Web,” was originally published in Momus ( on July 9, 2015. It was written by Saelan Twerdy.
Contributors: Yaniya Lee, Sholem Krishtalka, Danny Vadja, Lucca Fraser, Helen Hester, Cara Benedetto, Rachelle Sawatasky, Fan Wu, Walter Scott, and Merray Gerges.
Printed by Swimmers Group in 2016.
Rearviews is grateful for the support of the Ontario Arts Council.
Softcover, staple-bound, b&w and colour.