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Politics of Feelings/Economies of Love

Nataša Bodrožic and Irena Boric
Artists' Books
14 × 20 cm
124 pp

Politics of Feelings / Economies of Love brings about a set of reflections on the possible relation between ideology and social emotions, sexuality and nationalism, love and emotional community within nationalist and/or market fundamentalism. In attempts to find out how these issues were tackled in film, visual arts and architecture, we are trying to draw some new lines of understanding love as a tissue in which ideological, political, social and economic meanings are inscribed.

Contributors: The Bureau of Melodramatic Research, Clare Butcher, Jasmina Cibic, Sebastian Cichocki, Marija Dremaite, (Bob Dylan), Fokus Grupa, Thomas Hirschhorn, Marina Naprushkina, Ana Peraica, Tihana Puc

softcover, perfect bound

  1. Politics of Feelings/Economies of Love

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