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A Theory of the Manifesto or a Manifesto for Manifestos

Gato Negro Ediciones
Artists' Books
11.5 × 16.5 × 0.1 cm
60 pp
Risograph, Theory

Luciano Concheiro, translated from the Spanish by Robin Myers

At the same movement reflection distilled to the essences and exercise of style—brief and forceful—this text accomplish a double function: on the one hand speculates on the form of the manifesto and on the other actually takes form as a Manifesto. In other words, its subject takes the form of its object. The author notes that the difficulty of the manifesto lies in its matter, time: present and future. The Present as a body that can be exceeded by the pure act of enunciating a Manifesto; and the Future as an available ground to build the moment desired by it.

There is no manifesto without enemy.
What do we hate most?
The present.
And even more than that?

Contemporary? Manifestos! (00)


Printed in risograph

Softcover, perfect-bound, b&w

  1. A Theory of the Manifesto

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