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Becoming Invisible

The Everyday Press
Artists' Books
Theory, Contemporary Art, Illustration

Both an artist’s book and a would-be practical guide, this beautiful volume offers occult instructions for becoming invisible by meditating on the color spectrum. It draws on the literature of Rosicrucianism, theosophy and esoteric yoga to demonstrate how, through breathing exercises and visualization, the reader can learn to split light into its constituent parts, then recombine the seven colors of the spectrum to form a glowing white cloud that envelops its creator, rendering him or her invisible. Its author, London-based artist Ian Whittlesea (born 1967)—well known for his book works based on spiritual-physical exercises, such as Yves Klein: The Foundations of Judo and Mazdaznan Health & Breath Culture—notes in the preface: “These exercises are intended to allow you to become invisible. This does not, however, mean that you will physically disappear or dematerialize. Instead you will be hidden from view, concealed within a cloud of your own creation.” Gorgeous color abstractions by Whittlesea illustrate the volume throughout.

  1. Becoming Invisible

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