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Again, A Time Machine: From Distribution to Archive

Book Works (U.K.) Ltd.
Artists' Books
19 × 25.5 × 2 cm

Again, A Time Machine: from distribution to archive is produced in response to, and as an extension of, the touring exhibition in six parts, Again, A Time Machine (2011-12). Playing with time and words, and structured around the confluence of archive and distribution, this book presents an assemblage of material that extends Book Works’ touring exhibition.

Specifically engaging with the circuits of practice that have materialised in the form of books, writing, magazines, language, spoken word, performative research and archival practice, contributors include: A Estante, An Endless Supply, AND, Banner Repeater, Claire Makhlouf Carter, Eastside Projects, Maria Fusco, Dora García, Melissa Gronlund, Sam Hasler, Stewart Home, Ian Hunt, Jonathan Monk, Apexa Patel, Mark Pawson, Bridget Penney, Pil & Galia Kollectiv, Plastique Fantastique, Sarah Pierce, Laure Prouvost and Rory Macbeth, Publish And Be Damned, John Russell, Slavs and Tatars, Spike Island, Barry Sykes, The Serving Library, The Showroom, Torpedo, Ubuweb, Marina Vischmidt, McKenzie Wark, White Columns and X Marks the Bökship – in the form of: artists’ pages, exploratory interviews, new writing, and a range of publisher and project space responses to the questions: Why Distribute? Why Archive?

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  1. Again, A Time Machine: From Distribution to Archive

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