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Millions Magazine 05: Spaceship Earth

Millions Magazine
18 × 28 × 0.5 cm
64 pages
Contemporary Art, Conversations, Criticism

Periodical. Softcover, perfect bound, full colour and b/w illustrations, English text.

Millions is an arts and culture magazine dedicated to celebrating and connecting likeminded contemporary art communities throughout Canada and abroad. Millions is designed, edited and published by artists Tony Romano and Claire Greenshaw. In addition to artist projects curated for each issue, Millions presents in depth articles and interviews with emerging and established contemporary artists. Issue 05 includes contributions from Maura Doyle, Rosemary Heather, Kim Beom, Paul Kajander, Suzanne Déry, Kitty Anderson, K. Verlag, Brad Phillips, and Adam Lauder.

  1. Millions Magazine 05: Spaceship Earth

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