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OSMOS Magazine Issue 22

Osmos Magazine

Founder and editor of OSMOS Magazine Cay Sophie Rabinowitz (formerly of Parkett and Fantom) describes the publication as “an art magazine about the use and abuse of photography.” The magazine is divided into thematic sections—some traditional, and others more idiosyncratic.

OSMOS Magazine issue 22 features Stefan Gronert’s reflections on the family portraits of Thomas Struth, a portfolio of Adam Simon’s body of paintings, and a conversation between Marcos Agudelo and artist Felipe Mujica. The reportage is by Guannan Li. Also included is work by Cynthia Daignault, Kevin Claiborne, Fabiola Menchelli, Horatiu Sava, and Louis Jaffe. Tom McDonough writes on the birdhouses of David Schoerner. The cover features a 1891 photograph by Linley Sambourne, heralded as the first “street photographer.”

  1. IMG_4047.jpg

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