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Osmos Magazine: Issue 06

8.5 × 11 in
88 pgs
Contemporary Art

Osmos Magazine is “an art magazine about the use and abuse of photography,” explains founder and editor Cay Sophie Rabinowitz (formerly of Parkett and Fantom). Nourishing contemporary perspectives in photography and the visual arts, and delivering a unique view with content divided into recurring thematic sections—some traditional, such as “Portfolio,” “Stories” and “Reportage“—and others more idiosyncratic, such as “Eye of the Beholder,” where gallerists discuss the talents they showcase; and “Means to an End,” about the side effects of nonartistic image production. Contributors to this issue include Michael St. John, Stuart Ringholt, Azadeh Akhlaghi and Sam Samore, with a vintage Bruce Mozert image on the cover.

  1. osmos 6

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