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Bartleby Review: 1-20

Bartleby Review & Publication Studio and Vancouver
15.5 × 22 cm

BARTLEBY REVIEW is a free and occasional leaflet of criticism and other writing published in Vancouver, Canada.

In 1990, art historian William Wood described Vancouver as having many “occasional critics” — the off-duty journalist or curator, the intrigued artist, writers and poets—and for the most part, it’s still the case. BARTLEBY reflects this condition in its range of contributors, through their respective writing styles, approaches to criticism and artistic practices or professions.

BARTLEBY REVIEW: 1-20 is an anthology of the first twenty pamphlets published between 2012 and 2014, with an introduction by Aaron Peck, and afterword by Steffanie Ling.

  1. Bartleby Review
  2. Bartleby Review

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