A.I.S. series is an archive for structural drawings created for pre-existing structures, which lack bureaucratic or official status. It visually describes the battle between the living city and the abstract parallel world of city archives, which convey the illusion of order and control. The structures drafted are found existing objects and are selected because they suggest being built on a whim; using little professional building knowledge, and appear to fulfill a simple task which is assumedly defined by the builder. The builder(s) remain(s) anonymous, as the draftsperson focuses on the language of construction, in an attempt to decode the builders’ process and assembling-logic. The publication takes the form of a set of architectural “blue prints”, which track the formal details of the structure. Because of the irregular form of the structure, the drafting process demands a close eye, which in turn, forces the draftsman to make detailed observations of these peculiar and unconventional building practices.