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Wall Paintings and Related Works

Garry Neill Kennedy
Rare & Out of Print

Poster for the exhibition Garry Neill Kennedy’s 1998 exhibition Wall Paintings and Related Works 1974–1995 at Portikus.

  1. Garry Neill Kennedy Wall Paintings and Related Works

Related Items

  1. Garry Neill Kennedy: AM Catalogue no.19, 1997
  2. Marty Dunn, Peggy Gale, and Garry Neill Kennedy: Videoscape
  3. Garry Neill Kennedy: Page Seventy: Page Fourteen
  4. Garry Neill Kennedy: Garry Kennedy: Signed Wallpapers Poster
  5. Garry Neill Kennedy: Garry Kennedy: Wallpapers Poster
  6. Garry Neill Kennedy: Eighteen Drawings
  7. Garry Neill Kennedy: Wallpaper
  8. Garry Neill Kennedy: Art Work/Work Art: the Administrative
  9. Garry Neill Kennedy: Jerry Lewis in the Paris Metro Stations
  10. Art & Language
  11. AA Bronson, Peggy Gale, Maurizio Nannucci, Michael Snow, and Lawrence Weiner: Snow, Weiner, Nannucci
  12. Impulse Magazine Volume 12 Number 4 1986
  13. Lawrence Weiner: Flowed
  14. Jenny Holzer: AM Catalogue no.13, 1989
  15. &&&
  16. Doug Aitken: Parkett # 57
  17. Impulse Magazine Volume 4 Number 4, Volume 5 Number 1 1976
  18. Christian Boltanski: Lessons of Darkness
  19. The Search for the Spirit: General Idea 1968-1975
  20. General Idea: Multiples – Catalogue Raisonné: Multiples and Prints, 1967–1993
  21. Barbara Fischer and General Idea: General Idea Editions 1967–1995 (hardback)
  22. John Baldessari: Wallpapers Poster
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