Periodical. Softcover, saddle stitched, b/w illustrations, English text. Includes 7.5 cm x 10 cm temporary tattoo on inside back cover.
Crooked Fagazine is a new forum for queer arts & culture, politics and creative writing, written by and for gaylords, bad lovers, and nudists with fanny-packs. This fagazine is the antidote to Fugues and Facebook, as well as a space for you to publish your queer rubbish, tell everyone your most embarrassing stories, share all your best friend’s secrets, and shake your limp-wristed fist in anger. Spit your venom! Spill your guts! Crooked Fagazine ISsue #3 comes with a limited number of temporary hanky tattoos, conceived by Vincent Chevalier and designed by Mikiki.