CASSANDRA Press, founded in 2016 by Taylor Doran, Kandis Williams and Jordan Nassar, publishes lo-fi political and philosophical texts, flyers, posters, pamphlets, and readers. The press aims to spread ideas, share perspectives, promote dialogue, and inspire further and wider-spread political and social activism.
Williams, Doran, and Nassar all produce and curate both as a team and independently of each other. CASSANDRA offers a hydra head approach to the content and dissemination of our publications, dedicated to incorporating our practices as artists into our means of discourse, self-publishing, re-publishing, re-mix-and-publishing, and to telling the truth.
Zine #8 “LACHRYMOSE or Jewish Reconstruction” by Amir Guberstein centers around the artist’s research for the Jewish Historical Society on the project of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc, after World War II and Salo Baron’s publication of an 18 volume history of the Jewish people, and hate mail sent to the East End Temple in Manhattan in response to the activities of JCR Inc.
Softcover, staple-bound, b/w
Open edition