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Silent as Glue

Micah Lexier
Lynda Gammon, Matt Harle, and Elspeth Pratt
Oakville Galleries
7 × 9 inches
64 pp
Contemporary Art

The works in Silent As Glue are deceivingly simple. They are the results of large doses of intuition, a dialogue with art history, a play between restraint and love of materials, and the desire of the artists to surprise and delight themselves and others. There is a confidence in this work that is reassuring. It comes from both questioning what has been made before and a desire to move forward. It is about bringing new images to life that are both of the world and of the artists’ singular imaginations.

Each of the artists has a sensibility that has been finely honed over decades, resonating between an appreciation of humble, quotidian materials and a need to re-shape them into something that is both familiar and awkward at the same time-objects and images that one has never seen before, rich with references and allusions to the built world. How to join one thing to another; which colour, if any, to choose; how many different materials to use; how much of that material to include; will it sit, lean or hang—these are the kinds of questions that Gammon, Harle and Pratt ask themselves every day in their studios.

The full colour catalogue includes the essay “Notes on Precarity” by Kathleen Ritter, as well as questions by exhibition curator Micah Lexier, answered by each of the artists.

  1. Silent as Glue

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