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Mono Kultur #24, Cyprien Gaillard: Dust Lines (Summer 2010)

Cyprien Gaillard
Mono Kultur
15 × 20 cm

Cyprien Gaillard examines the buildings and landscapes as well as the people who inhabit them. In previous works, the modernist housing block was a recurring theme, a structure associated with the utopian aspirations of the architectural avant-garde in the early 20th century that became ubiquitous in the post-war era. As many of the buildings turned into failed experiments, municipalities in various regions decided to dismantle the structures. At times, the demolitions were turned into spectacular sound and light shows. Gaillard has examined these buildings from different vantage points: depicting them as monuments that conjure up associations with ancient ruins or medieval castles, as backdrops for fringe group behaviour, as sites for mega-spectacles, and once demolished, as massive installations.

Interview by Elodie Evers and Matthias Sohr

Introduction by Catharina Manchanda

Artwork by Cyprien Gaillard

  1. Mono Kultur #24, Cyprien Gaillard: Dust Lines (Summer 2010)

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