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All The Knives, Any printed story on request

Dent De Leone
6 × 9 × 2 cm

Monsieur, aimez-vous l’art? asked the man with the hat. On a positive response Robert Filiou would show an exhibition contained in a hat to a stranger. All The Knives, the box, modestly listens to Mr Filiou to reveal stories from a pocket, yours?

An exhibition curated by Åbäke with Yair Barelli, Jochen Dehn, Dirk Elst, Aurélien Froment, Vladimir Ivaneanu, Sally OäReilly, Matt Rogers and Adva Zakai, Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 18 November 2012 — 16 February 2013. Coproduction of Frans Masereel Centrum & Z33.

  1. All The Knives, Any printed story on request

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