“We drove three hundred miles to see the sunrise.” On December 12, 2012, photographers Patricia Valencia and Emmett Walsh traveled to the Old Mission at San Juan Bautista, located roughly 100 miles south-east of San Francisco, to see the sunrise of the winter solstice. Countless theories and speculations marked this day, and this particular sunrise, as the beginning of the End of Days, the catalyst of the Apocalypse, as suggested by the Maya Long Count Calendar. The two photographers staked out a place inside the Mission church and captured the golden light as it crept over the mosaics, the pews, and the cobblestone floor. Their book contains a serene version of the apocalypse, softly lit and unthreatening. The bell tower of the Mission featured heavily in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, and the book includes a two-page sequence of the film’s hypnotic title spirals, alongside a gold-tinted film strip and a broadside explaining the photographer’s choice and mission.