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The Alpine Review Issue 1

20.5 × 26.5 cm

THE ALPINE REVIEW is a comprehensive publication that tracks changes in thought, systems and creations around the world in a variety of disciplines ranging from tech to agriculture, design to anthropology. Assembled by a multidisciplinary team and designed with extreme care, The Alpine Review is a compendium of ideas for a world in transition.

ISSUE 1: Versant Nord – Antifragility

We see industries, countries and culture going through massive shifts, one after the other. The sum total of those shifts points to an emerging consensus: the world is rebalancing. The established global order, its institutions and its foundations are being challenged. In this ‘new normal’, innovative frameworks and ways of thinking are needed. Understanding Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s explorations of fragility and ‘antifragility’ as a framework leads to a new kind of thought process and a novel way of organizing our thinking through these chaotic times. What is antifragile? What is merely robust, and what will ultimately prove too fragile to survive the tumultuous future?

  1. Alpine Review 1

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