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Calendar Girls

Lisa Birke
Artists' Books
12 × 12 in
12 pages

Limited Run 2016 Art Wall Calendar: created in conjunction with a short film entitled Calendar Girls created between Jan-Dec 2014.

Calendar created for a solo exhibition for PavedARTS in Saskatoon. In Calendar Girls, a humorous spectacle reveals the fallacy of the selfie while restoring the humanity of the stripped-down “calendar girl.” A characteristically irreverent performance piece conceived by Lisa Birke, Calendar Girls employs a dozen split screens to impart vignettes (captured over the course of 12 months) of the artist in absurd pin-up poses set against striking natural backdrops. In short order, a supposedly playful exercise turns provocative. A limited run (100 count) Calendars were printed to accompany the video work in order for the work to inhabit the form that the work critiques.

  1. Calendar Girls

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