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Thirteen Years: The materialization of ideas from 2002 to 2015

Michalis Pichler
Printed Matter and Inc.
21 × 30 cm
240 pages
Essays, Illustration

A cross-reference book of information on aesthetic boundaries, consisting of a bibliography into which inserted text, critical essays, art works, and documents, are arranged chronologically and focused on a selection of so-called »greatest hits« and conceptual poetics. It contains mentions of such vaguely designated areas as appropriation, postnaive, unboring boring, détournement, object perdu, and erasure poetry — or writing through — as they currently occur (with occasional political overtones) in the work of Michalis Pichler.

This book is the first monograph focused on the practice of artist/author Michalis Pichler. Featuring eleven critical essays, an extensively illustrated catalogue, a conversation with John Stezaker, and selected writings by the artist, the book delivers a solid introduction into conceptual poetics.

  1. michalis pichler

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