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Répertoire des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec et du Canada

Artists' Books
21 × 21 × 2 cm

Directory of Artist-Run Centres in Quebec and Canada Provides updated information on artist-run centers 161 and more than 700 addresses of institutions, services and resources related to visual arts. The Directory is a source of information for those who want more comprehensive knowledge, to explore or simply visit the contemporary art network in Quebec and Canada.

  1. Répertoire des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec et du Cana

Related Items

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  2. Joshua Schwebel and Lauren Wetmore: The Employee
  3. Caro Caron and Christine Redfern: Qui Est Ana Mendieta?
  4. John Bride: Illusory Self #6
  5. Michalis Pichler: Der Einzige und sein Eigentum
  6. Matthew Brannon: Hyenas Are...
  7. Ryan Foerster: Foerster 7
  8. Julien Jonas Bismuth: Pages
  9. Becky Bayer: Give and Take
  10. Donnalu Wigmore: Isaacs Seen
  11. Michael McCormack: Busy Signals
  12. Zora Mann’s Magical Coloring Book
  13. Maryanna Hardy: So I’ve Been Told
  14. Bill Jones: ACME Made in Canada
  15. Zin Taylor: Void Flowers
  16. JImmy Robert: Jimmy Robert: Draw the Line
  17. Movements and Centres
  18. Alex Durlak: A Report/Un Rapport
  19. Tonik Wojtyra: Beaver
  20. Nadia Myre: En[counter]s
  21. 011+91 | 011+92 - On Locational Identity
  22. Prospekt 80/2: Canada
  23. Archiv Peter Piller Volume 8
  24. The Fall at Indig02, Greenwich North, November 24th, 2011 / Reading “The Fall at Indig02, Greenwich North, November 24th“
  25. Seth Fluker: At Water
  26. Charmaine Lurch, Katherine McKittrick, and Cristian Ordóñez: Twenty Dreams
  27. G.B. Jones (Signed)
  28. Carnets de Gisèle Freund
  29. G.B. Jones
  30. Alex Durlak: The Amateur Printer
  31. Seth Fluker: Before Things Change
  32. Institutions by Artists, Volume One