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Archi-féministes! : Contemporary Art, Feminist Theories

Marie-Èva Charron, Marie-Josée Lafortune, and Thérèse St-Gelais
Sophie Bélair Clément, Olivia Boudreau, Marie-Claude Bouthillier, Sorel, Raphaëlle de Groot, Philippe Dumaine, Vera Frenkel, Andrea Geyer, Cynthia Girard-Renard, Clara Gutsche, Rashid Johnson, Suzy Lake, arkadi lavoie lachapelle, Maryse Larivière, Emanuelle Léonard, Deridre Logue, Allyson Mitchell, Wanda Nanibush, Abdi Osman, Camal Pirbhai, Claire Savoie, Johanne Sloan, Jana Sterbak, Camille Turner, Rinaldo Walcott, and Giovanna Zapperi
Feminist Theory, Arts Writing, LGBTQ2S+

Produced by OPTICA, centre d’art contemporain, Montreal, this publication brings together an important body of work produced between 1970 and the present, including the contributions of Sophie Bélair Clément, Rebecca Belmore, Olivia Boudreau, Marie-Claude Bouthillier, Marie-Ève Charron, Sorel Cohen, Raphaëlle de Groot, Philippe Dumaine, Vera Frenkel, Andrea Geyer, Cynthia Girard-Renard, Clara Gutsche, Rashid Johnson, Marie-Josée Lafortune, Suzy Lake, arkadi lavoie lachapelle, Maryse Larivière, Emmanuelle Léonard, Deirdre Logue, Allyson Mitchell, Wanda Nanibush, Abdi Osman, Camal Pirbhai, Claire Savoie, Johanne Sloan, Jana Sterbak, Thérèse St-Gelais, Camille Turner, Rinaldo Walcott, and Giovanna Zapperi.

Feminist manifestations are examined in light of practices that persist in their resistance and that compel us to reexamine social norms through activism, citizen mobilization, and sharing communities. Striving to bring new insights to our attention, these contributions take up theoretical feminist models, but also reference cultural, decolonization, and queer studies.

  1. Archi-Feministes!

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