Edited by Jessica Bradley, Lesley Johnstone
Sightlines is a selection of 25 essays reveals the changing tenor of writing on art in Canada in the 1980s, reflecting the influence of feminism and an interrogation of the institutional structure of art. Among the issues addressed are : notions of identity and history; the relationship between the work of art, the artist, and the institution; the position of the critic and the development of a critical voice.
Texts by Kass Banning, Serge Bérard, Varda Burstyn, Michael Dorlan, Guy Sioui Durand, Bruce W. Furgurson, Jacqueline Fry, Philip Fry, Monika Kin Gagnon, Bruce Grenville, Walter Klepac, carol Laing, Johanne Lamoureux, Philip Monk, Diana Nemiroff, René Payant, Jeanne Randolph, Christine Ross, Marcel Saint-Pierre, Kim Sawchuk, Loretta Todd, Elke Town, Charlotte Townsend-Gault, Dot Tuer, William Wood.