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Les attentes / Table Book

Evelyne Leblanc-Roberge
Publication Studio
Artists' Books
13 × 20 × 3.5 cm
438 pp
Literary, Photography

What is a waiting room? One chair, or two, or many. Or maybe only a piece of tape on the floor, to mark where the waiting begins. There, we are waiting for something. For a train to arrive, for a number to appear on a screen, for our name to be called, for a dear friend to meet us. We are suspending ourselves in time and in space.

Les attentes ⋅ Table Book is a bilingual French–English 438-page book-object printed and numbered in an edition of 100 copies. It contains texts and photographic images collected over a long period of time. To be read while waiting, to be placed on a side table, or on a shelf, by a chair, or perhaps near a potted plant. Created in the context of a long-term investigation on waiting rooms. This book has a companion 60-minute film titled Les échéances ⋅ As the hour turns blue that will be available to screen in the spring of 2023. Watch teasers here and there.

  1. Les attentes / Table Book

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