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Czech Birds, Sileni Lovci, Wild Hunters

Petra Poldlahova, Jo Cook, and Wesley Mulvin
Perro Verlag Books by Artists
Artists' Books
19.5 × 21.5 × 0.5 cm

Written in one afternoon over Czech beers at a picnic table while the three artists were in the Czech Republic, this book documents a game of cadavre exquisse (aka exquisite corpse). In this version of the Surrealist language game, Cook wrote seven sentences in English, Poldlahova translated them into Czech, Cook and Poldlahova altered the originals then Mulvin (who knew only a few words of Czech) translated them back into English. All three versions of the seven passages are included. Drawings by Mulvin accompany the text and each copy has a unique cover painted by Cook and Mulvin.

  1. Czech Birds, Sileni Lovci, Wild Hunters

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