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Towards Home: Inuit & Sámi Placemaking

Joar Nango, Taqralik Partridge, Jocelyn Piirainen, and Rafico Ruiz
Valiz, Canadian Centre for Architecture, and Mondo Books
17 × 24 × 2.5 cm
352 pp
Indigenous Art & Artists, Environment

An Indigenous-led publication, Towards Home explores how Inuit, Sámi and other communities across the Arctic are creating self-determined spaces. This research project, led by Indigenous and settler coeditors, is titled after the phrases angirramut in Inuktitut, or ruovttu guvlui in Sámi, which can be translated as “towards home.” To move towards home is to reflect on where northern Indigenous people find home, on what their connections to their land means and on what these relationships could look like into the future. Framed by these three concepts—Home, Land and Future—the book contains essays, artworks, photographs and personal narratives that express Indigenous notions of home, land, kinship, design and memory. The project emphasizes caring for and living on the land as a way of being, and celebrates practices of space-making and place-making that empower Indigenous communities.

  1. Towards Home: Inuit & Sámi Placemaking

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