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(Un)written, or Every Time I Almost Came Out to You

Lan "Florence" Yee
Lan "Florence" Yee
Artists' Books
12 × 16.5 × 2 cm
15 pp
LGBTQ2S+, Contemporary Art, Asian Art & Artists, Creative Writing

The cardboard stock cover of this ready-made photo album was found in the artist’s grandmother’s basement, but the sleeves were never filled. Instead of photos, there are hand-embroidered words on felt squares, imitating the shape of post-it notes. Each note is dated with a timestamp and a brief textual description of a moment where a queer chasm opens up.

In 2019, the artist had not yet come out to their family, but they knew that it was likely to reach them soon. These are excerpts of the limbo time before it was made explicit.

Limited Edition: 1/1

  1. IMG_0021.JPG
  2. IMG_0020.JPG

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