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Commercial Break

Francois Curlet and Pierre Huyghe
Edition cneai
Artists' Books
10.5 × 5.5 × 1.2 cm

This set of 4 miniature flip-books have been designed by Curlet to feature short filmic works by fellow artists Marie Legros, Dieter, Pierre Huygue, and Marco Brambilla. Each artist has produced a flipbook film with commercial breaks. Huygue presents a corporate logo animation interupted by a brief Heineken ad, smoking mimes are halted by a Christie’s ad in Legros’ short, Brambilla’s spfx shot of a flying/falling man is frozen by a Mont Blanc pen product shot, and Dieter’s outdoor pan among three actors gets interupted by the rolling head of the Quaker Oats man.

  1. Commercial Break

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