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Hell Passport, Volume 1

Emily Goodden
Perro Verlag Books by Artists
Artists' Books
13.5 × 18.5 × 0.3 cm

“Trash Pop Sell”, an anagram of Hell Passport, is Emily Goodden’s over-the-top, more-is-better approach to infernal portraiture. Both deceased and still very much alive friends and family members are enshrined here in Goodden’s hand-drawn paint-by-numbers exercises. Also included: a cut-and-assemble party hat you can wear to the Church of Satan Bake Sale. This TRASHy POP book, with its bonus paint palette, will SELL out fast. Order your copy today! 12 fold-out black and white pages. Red cover stock with pink end papers.

  1. Hell Passport, Volume 1

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