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Guide to a History / Diagrams for a Crisis

Casco - Office for Art and Design and Theory
Artists' Books
15 × 21 × 0.5 cm

‘Diagram for a Crisis’ is the result of the ‘Our Economies’ workshop series at Casco Utrecht, Frascati, Amsterdam and Basekamp, Philadelphia. During the workshops participants were invited to visualize the economic crisis through drawings, which were later included in the publication.

The publication also embodies the booklet ‘Guide to a History’, written by activist Kees Hudig and illustrated by Lize Mogel. The booklet shows where capital and its effects are visible in ten public places in Amsterdam, each location related to the history of economic crisis in Dutch history. The iconography reflects on the public symbols of capital crisis and reflects on a physical geography of the global economy.

  1. Guide to a History / Diagrams for a Crisis

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