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DCLXVI [printed crossed out], a second treatise on the Number of the Beast (666)

Andrew McLaren
self published
Artists' Books
19 × 21.9 cm

A. A. McLaren’s latest publish-and-be-damned bookwork, DCLXVI, a second treatise on the Number of the Beast (666) is a variable edition; this 180 page assemblage of geometry, sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll, Reductio ad Hitlerum, and art historical interventions follows the artist’s earlier APPROX DCLXVI (2008). Both are hand-assembled, cerlox-bound volumes, including laminated, collaged and variably printed pages. A series of graphic arrangements of 666 units are reconfigured from the earlier book; postage stamps, theatre tickets, butterflies, carbon paper and fabric elements are incorporated. These disparate material and graphic imprints developed a paginated order by intuitive, rational, and even structural necessity in the binding. As in APPROX DCLXVI, the principal literary content is a (new) series of 666 anagrams, based on Revelations 13:18: “Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six Hundred Three Score and Six.” These range broadly in their intent, content and poetic structures.

Edition of 190.

  1. DCLXVI [printed crossed out], a second treatise on the Number of

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