When Henie Onstad Art Centre was established in 1968, the aim was to be a cross-artistic and dynamic venue for contemporary art and modernism. This is also our goal today. With this cross-over philosophy it falls naturally that the Art Centre now also wants to promote Fluxus.
??Henie Onstad Art Centre is the owner of a unique collection of Fluxus art that consists of 700 works. In 2007 Ken Freidman made a significant donation to the Art Centre. This was groundbreaking for the center’s continued work with the collection, which in recent years have included a full photograph and registration of the material. This is done with extensive support from the Foundation ForArt.
For the first time, this collection will be on display in the exhibition FLUXU HENIE ONSTAD ART CENTRE curated by Caroline Ugelstad. There will also be released a new publication, presenting Fluxus – Henie Onstad Art Centre.
ISBN: 978-82-90955-91-0