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how to write 5 Tomas Schmit, fluxus, wenn ich mich recht erinnere | if i remember rightly.

Tomas Schmit
Wien Lukatsch
Artists' Books
17 × 24 × 0.4 cm

Project “how to write” is to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the gallery and bookshop Wien Lukatsch. The project consists of an exhibition series and a publication series with texts by artists. Thereby it draws upon the concept of the gallery to think artworks and books as one, to show them together and to publish books by artists. “how to write” is dedicated to the writer Gertrude Stein, who is influencing countless writers and artists up until now.

In how to write 5 we are publishing Tomas Schmit’s text fluxus, wenn ich mich recht erinnere (1970) that has so far only been published in English under the title if I remember rightly (1972).

  1. how to write 5 

Tomas Schmit, fluxus, wenn ich mich recht erinn

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