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Zug Magazine Issue 8: Green

Essays, Photography, Illustration

Introduction by Nicole Bachmann

is the colour
she says
green is the colour
she said
she said
green was the colour
the colour is green
she said
she says
green is the colour

16.5 × 23.6 cm.
88 pages.
Green Offset Printed.
Edition of 1000.

With contributions by Nicole Bachmann, Lizzi Bougatsos, Guillaume Dénervaud, Jason Dill, Chloe Feinberg, László Haffner, Paul Haworth, Masanao Hirayama aka Himaa, Stefan Marx, József Mélyi, Gáspár Riskó, Adrienne Sós, Daniele Toneatti, Camilla Venturini, Weirdo Dave aka Fuck This Life.

Published by Innen, 2015.

  1. Zug Magazine Issue 8
  2. Zug Magazine Issue 8
  3. Zug Magazine Issue 8

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