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How To Have Sex In A Police State: One Approach

13 × 18.5 × 0.2 cm
16 pp

In 1983, Americans Richard Berkowitz and Michael Callen published the book How to Have Sex in an Epidemic: One Approach, which is credited as being the first piece of safer sex literature for gay men. 30- years later we face a new type of emergency. State neglect in the response supporting people with HIV is now coupled with intensified forms of state control, surveillance and criminalization. How To Have Sex In A Police State: One Approach / Comment Baiser Sans Se Faire Baiser Par Les Flics was developed to intervene in this current context to provide tools and options to counter the punitive state apparatus increasingly regulating our lives.

An anonymous collective of people living with HIV and our allies produced this document. We have no leaders, no spokespeople, and no meetings. Copy this, share it, add to it, and adapt it to your own setting. Join us by doing it. Time is running out.

More information can be found at

A bilingual zine, written in English and French.
Softcover, staple-bound, b/w

  1. how to have sex in a police state

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