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Tomorrow's Man 2

Jack Pierson
Bywater Bros. Editions
Artists' Books
18.4 × 25.4 cm
112 pages

Published by Bywater Bros. Editions, 2014
Softcover. English text. Colour images.

Edited and designed by Jack Pierson and Roger Bywater

Tomorrow’s Man 2 follows closely on the heels of the inaugural volume of Jack Pierson’s most recent print exploration. A passionate collector, Pierson was concerned with two particular aspects in compiling this latest publication: with prints and drawings from the past, and with radical young art by artists of all ages.

The title, Tomorrow’s Man, comes from an infamous bodybuilding magazine from the 1950s and ‘60s. Reappropriating the publication’s title as well as its retro bodybuilding aesthetic, Pierson takes viewers on a dizzying visual journey encompassing the full spectrum of cultural references. Combining archive material with contributions from selected artists, illustrators and a single writer, Tomorrow’s Man 2 is a psychedelic mediation on masculinity: highlights include sci-fi-imbued illustrations courtesy of legendary Mel Odom, surreal assemblages from Tibi Tibi Neuspiel, and geometric abstractions from Richard Tinkler. Also included are works from: Dennis Balk, David Carrino, Alejandro Cesarco, David Colman, Pat de Groot, Jeff Elrod, Alex Jovanovich , Elizabeth Kley, Paulo Montiero, Dan McCarthy, OM from India, and Evan Whale.

This visual remix rebels against conventional photobook formats, leaving work straddling page breaks and genre definitions. Pierson says that, “We’re hoping to do a dozen of these, in fact, nothing is as exciting to me these days as ushering work into print that hasn’t been seen before.”

Includes a short story by Veralyn Behenna entitled Santiago de Compostela.

  1. Tomorrow’s Man 2
  2. Tomorrow’s Man 2
  3. Tomorrow’s Man 2

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