Publication consisting of 99 different bookmarks designed by Marie-Douce St-Jacques and a set of digital audio files (totalling 11 hours and 31 minutes) for each of the following projects. Edition of 99.
Flipper A. An audio flipbook of 99 books starting with the letter ‘A’ from the Paul D. Fleck Library and Archives of the Banff Center, November 2007.
Flipper B. An audio flipbook of 99 books starting with the letter ‘B’ from the Monkey’s Paw, Toronto, July 2013.
Flipper C. An audio flipbook of 99 books starting with the letter ‘C’ from the NSCAD Library, Halifax, August 2013.
An ABC of flipping. The flipping action is miked closely in order to transpose physical materiality to the sonic realm. Each book’s weight, size, binding affects how a book will flip and consequently the recording. How a book sounds. Sounding a book.
A commission by the Centre for Art Tapes in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada for the Acoustic Networks project.