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Resource Hungry: Our Cultured Landscape and its Ecological Impact: Verbier Art Summit Vol. 4

Jennifer Allora, Guillermo Calzadilla, Andrea Bowers, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Joan Jonas, Stefan Kaegi, Philippe Rahm, and Lucy Raven
The Verbier Art Summit
Artists' Books
4.3 × 8 inches
196 pp
Conversations, Environment

The Verbier Art Summit is an annual weekend-long conference in Verbier, Switzerland, which began in 2017 with the objective of using art in a non-transactional context to effect social change. This is the fourth in the Summit publication series, following this year’s theme “Resource Hungry,” which has inspired proposals about the catastrophic effects of climate change, our changing relationship to the natural environment and considerations about material sustainability within the art world. Resource Hungry presents key insights of the 2020 Verbier Art Summit and extends a global dialogue to find harmony between art, ecology and resources. The book is edited by curators Jessica Morgan (director of Dia Art Foundation), and Dorothea von Hantelmann (author of How to Do Things with Art, 2010).

  1. resource hungry

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