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'Why I Got Into Art (von Anonymus): Vaseline Muses', 1991

Mike Kelley
Walther Konig
Artists' Books
14 × 21 × 2 cm

Parallel texts in both English and German are accompanied by 22 b/w images of nude female performance artists. Each image takes on a softporn effect as they were re-photographed through a vaseline-smeared lens. The corresponding images in the ‘English’ half of the book are blacked out, similarly some words are also blacked out.

The text features the first-person narration of a young boy in 1960s Berlin as he experiences and contemplates the slow break-down of taboos around nudity, particularly female nudity in mass-media and leftist politics and culture leading to the eventual soft-lens imagery associated with pornographer David Hamilton.

Very good condition. Slightly dog-eared on one cornerof the cover and barely visible scuff-mark on this same cover, no other visible wear or damage.

ISBN-10: 3883751510

  1. ’Why I Got Into Art (von Anonymus): Vaseline Muses’, 1991

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