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F.R.DAVID "Spin Cycle"

De Appel
Artists' Books
12 × 19.1 × 1.5 cm

The eighth issue of F.R.DAVID, “Spin-cycle”, is preoccupied with commentary: quite simply assuming that any form of production is commentary – the addition / subtraction of value – in one form or other.

Contributions from Cory Arcangel, G.K.Chesterton, Serge Daney, Susan Howe, Edward Johnston, Janice Kerbel, John Miller, Alice Notley, Francis Ponge, Ezra Pound, J.H.Prynne, Cally Spooner, Keston Sutherland, Ian White, Mas’ud Zavarzadeh and more. Including a 16-page colour contribution in by Franz Erhard Walter.

F.R.DAVID is a journal concerned with reading and writing in the arts. It has been published by de Appel, Amsterdam, since 2006 and is edited by Will Holder.

  1. F.R.DAVID “Spin Cycle“

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